Panzer Dragoon Saga Books 1-23

(Leader's Note) - Captain's Diary

19th day of 10th month

(1/2) A week has past since we came to the excavation site, accepting the Empire's commission. They are desperately trying to find something. The director of this excavation site has been looking for over 20 years already. Crazy.

(2/2) It appears that, once again, they have failed to find whatever it is that they're looking for.
As always, we're left in the dark.

25th day of 10th month

(1/2) Thanks to that huge wind net,
there's no way a monster could get
in here. This job is probably going to be easier than I first thought.

(2/2) This evening, I talked with the director. Apparently, only 'smart' folks can enter the Imperial
Academy. He said enrolling in a
normal school should be his first
priority. I'll talk to Edge.

8th day of 11th month

(1/2) As always, nothing new at the
excavation site, all they've dug
up is ancient garbage. I talked with the director again. He says it'll cost a lot of dynes just to enroll Edge in school.

(2/2) I'm worried that there's only a few good years left in me and I
won't be able to earn enough money to pay for Edge's schooling.

20th day of 12th month

(1/4) Why did I start writing this
diary? It's not like me at all. I guess it's because of him. How many times have I told him that I think of him as my son? But I've never done anything that a parent would do.

(2/4) Unlike me, barely literate, Edge is a smart kid. I want him
to be enrolled in a school in the Empire. Being a mercenary in the middle of nowhere is not a job for an innocent boy.

(3/4) After this job is done, I
plan to take him to the Capital. I want to do more than write in my
diary, I should start studying myself. I don't want him to be ashamed of me when he grows up.

(4/4) Will Edge ever call me...


(Dragon Book 1) - Diary of the Dragon Rider - 1

22nd day of 10th month

(1/3) An envoy from Meccania came to purchase a grown Coolia. Meccanian officers always pay well, so there was plenty of food on the table that night. But I had to clean up the dead Coolia's remains, so I didn't feel like eating.

(2/3) 'Destroy the mutants', it is the
village's code. The mutant Coolias cannot be tamed, and no one will buy them. Besides, they are believed to be a bad omen.

(3/3) But to me, Coolias are all
the same. I can't believe that blue-
white light could bring our village harm.

25th day of first month

(1/1) Loth became feverish. She was near delivery, so I had to take care of her overnight. If I allowed her to die, I would be punished for sure. It's not like I really could do
anything for her, they just needed a caretaker. My bad luck.

26th day of first month

(1/2) Unfortunately, Loth passed away. My father whipped me and sent me to bed hungry. But none of that mattered. I lied about the baby. I told them it was stillborn, but it actually was sleeping quietly in the barn.

(2/2) I didn't mean to break the code... only, I couldn't kill him...
because Lagi had... a pair of wings!.

27th day of first month

(1/2) I named the little Coolia 'Lagi'. If anyone knew the reason why I decided to take care of him,
they would just laugh at me. All the legends and scriptures of our village describe a dragon. And Lagi reminds me of that dragon.

(2/2) I know it's all childish dreaming, but I want to see Lagi grow up. If he could actually fly...
I could be like the dragon rider in the fairy tales I was told in my childhood.

8th day of 9th month

(1/1) Lagi's growth rate is amazing. At this rate, he could be as big as
a full-grown Coolia in a year. His wings are strengthening too. I took him running today, and just for an instant, he actually floated. Lagi may really fly!

19th day of 10th month

(1/3) Yesterday, my whole life ended. The home where I lived, everyone in the village, they're gone. Dead. The airship appeared out of nowhere, attacked without reason, and turned my village into nothing but ashes...

(2/3) Disaster struck while we were
outside the village, practicing.
Somehow, I couldn't even cry. The
village was in flames before me, yet I couldn't accept it. It was,
however, what Lagi did next that
sent shivers down my spine.

(3/3) What Lagi fired towards the
ancient airship... It was the legendary 'arrows of light'. My dream had become a reality, but the villagers had paid for it with their souls.


(Dragon Book 2) - Diary of the Dragon Rider - 2

23rd day of 10th month

(1/3) Three days have passed since weleft. Some people in a caravan
were kind enough to share food andwater with us. They also told uswhat they saw. They said the
ancient airship was heading for
the border, towards the Empire.

(2/3) Why do I follow that airship? To be honest, I don't know...
Revenge? Well, perhaps at first...
But something more draws me to it.

(3/3) Revenge is not the only reason. Ifeel as if I have a mission to fulfil. I just cannot allow the
ancient airship to reach its destination. As long as I have
Lagi's power, I must follow it.

2nd day of 11th month

(1/4) We were ambushed near the border. They used ancient weapons. The battle was completely different to anything I've experienced before. Vehicles that resembled monsters flew in the sky and their weapons blazed demonic flames.

(2/4) It was like being in the middle of warring Gods, only the combatants were people. Even if the vehicles were hell spawn, the riders were still human. But I had to protect myself. I sent them all to fiery deaths. Without hesitation.

(3/4) While fighting, I felt as if I
became one with Lagi. There was no fear. I was filled only with a sense of duty. Was it really my will, or was it the dragon
controlling me all along?

(4/4) Lagi has developed another power. After the battle, Lagi began
glowing. Then, suddenly, he shed
his skin. My only guess is this is how dragons grow.

14th day of 11th month

(1/3) Above the forest, the Imperial
Fleet attacked us. It wasn't their
weapons, or even their sheer
numbers that frightened me. It was
that I would be forced to kill even more people.

(2/3) We escaped into the forest, but the creature I saw feasting on the charred corpses in my village
waited for us there. Maybe the
beast is connected with the ship
somehow. I feel I am close.

(3/3) After killing the monster, I
entered an ancient ruin. Inside, hordes of hideous creatures
attacked us like a hungry storm. We found an immense underground lake. Water may bring life, but here was only the smell of death.


(Dragon Book 3) - Diary of the Dragon Rider - 3

16th day of 11th month

(1/3) I've spent two days in Georgius.That ancient airship has drawn me further than I ever imagined. My old life is but a distant memory. This crusade has left me lonely.

(2/3) Lagi's body has continued its
metamorphosis. His arrows of light
have become so powerful that he
can only be the dragon of legend.
I only hope that his heart hasn't
changed, because Lagi is all that I have left.

(3/3) The dark dragon appeared again. The first time we met, it shot Lagi down inside the village. We have encountered it again since
then, but the dragon has not attacked. Is it chasing the airship as well?

3rd day of 12th month

(1/3) How could I ever describe today? Sinking the airship at Georgius. The final battle with the dark dragon, and killing the
abomination it fused with. And then there was the vision Lagi
showed me before he left.

(2/3) Losing Lagi has left me numb, and the vision has left me
overwhelmed. When he destroyed
the ship, he entrusted me with his secret. The secret of him, and of the world.

3/3 Already, the understanding I
gained is slipping from my grasp.
It's like waking from a dream... The experience has left my heart uneasy, I feel as if there's now something missing.

6th day of 12th month

(1/3) I found the ancient airship wreck. Inside, it was as quiet as it was dead. What remaining monsters were left had long since died. Lagi's final act sealed the life from the airship forever.

(2/3) In the center of the airship,
Lagi laid still, his power completely exhausted. Lagi's body was stone cold, but I knew he was still alive. At least, deep inside of me, I believed so'

(3/3) One day, Lagi will regain his
power and return to the sky. And
there will be another rider...
Someone other than me. But I won't be sad. As long as I do not lose what Lagi entrusted to me, he shall always be with me.


(Picture Board) - Picture of the "Tower"


(Zoah Bible) - The Book of Zoah

(1/5) Those born in the protected lands, remember, your blood shall lead the good through the judgment. In the end, your blood shall flow into the one who creates the new world.

(2/5) You must not taint your blood, nor make your blood thin with pleasure. Beware of associating with people left behind, and of careless breeding. Because,
fortunate new people of Zoah, you
are always under the Gods' power.

(3/5) You must live your whole life, till passage to death, on the soil
of Zoah. The world is tainted with the blood of nonbelievers. He who stands outside Zoah is tainted, and must suffer the fate of being judged over again.

(4/5) You must not consume food
from outside of Zoah, because it is food abandoned by the Gods. You must sustain yourself only by consumption of the Blessings of the Forest.

(5/5) Those born in the protected land, must obey the code or they shall not receive the protection of
the 'Guardian Fire'. That light must not die until the Day of the End.
The Code for Prayer

(1/3) Those born in the protected land must give prayer to the Gods on the Night of Atonement
established by the High Priest. On this sacred day, you shall not consume anything other than purified water.

(2/3) Until sunset, purify yourself
with water, and wear clothes woven from sacred materials from the Forest of Blessings, Also, on the Night of Atonement, you may use no lamps of any kind.

(3/3) Those who consumed food before prayer, those who did not purify themselves, those who prayed in filthy clothing, and those who tainted the Guardian Fire with
the fire of the ground, are banished from the protected land.


The destruction of the Imperial Capital was probably similar to what happened to many of the Ancient Age locations.

(Bible 1)- The Book of Genesis

(1/8) In the beginning, the world was with the Gods. People basked in the Gods' glory. Everything was at peace.

(2/8) At the dawn of Genesis, the Gods created humans. The Gods decided the humans would create their own world. To enable such weak beings to complete such a task, all of the knowledge of the Gods was placed into the souls of humans.

(3/8) During Genesis, people created the world. Using Tools and Fire from the Gods, the humans built and shaped their own world.

(4/8) Everything we see with our eyes, with one lone exception, was
created in this time. Water, plants, and beasts, became provisions for humans. The ruins were homes for Gods and humans. Monsters were servants of people.

(5/8) At the Dusk of Genesis,
people began to fight one another.
From their fear of the darkness,
they were driven mad. From their
madness, they learned murder.

(6/8) At this time, the knowledge of the Gods was used to create weapons. The Gods' fire burned the earth, the Gods' tools ended life, and the monsters were taught to devour human flesh.

(7/8) At the Dusk of Genesis,
the Gods lost all hope for the
people. The Gods left the human
world. As did the Gods' knowledge. The humans were left behind without the ability to create, but still had the power to destroy.

(8/8) Water, plants, and beasts
disappeared, the ruins closed
their doors, only the monsters
remained to feed. And thus,
the Gods have left the humans.
We were a part of the Gods' glory,
but now there is only chaos.


(Bible 2) - The Book of End

(1/5) In the world left behind by the Gods, we must endure the pain of life. It is our punishment for the
mistakes have made. To regain the glory of the Gods, we must receive judgment after the passage which leads us to death.

(2/5) If the passage leads to hope for the Gods, the dying one shall
enter the Forest of Blessings. In the forest there should be no pain of life, no impurities of the human world, and all things shall give with all their heart.

(3/5) If the passage does not lead to hope for the Gods, the dying one shall return to the human world, reborn. Unless the correct passage is taken, he shall continue to endure the pain, and he shall
again taste the darkness of death.

(4/5) Once everyone has regained hope, and entered the Forest of
Blessings, the human world shall
end. The world shall return to
nothingness, and the people, put in the Forest of Blessings, shall create the new world.

(5/5) The day this innocent world is created shall be the Genesis. The Gods shall return and again watch the world. They will bring glory and happiness to all. It is a day without an end, and the paradise promised to us.


(Dragon Bible) - The Book of the Dragon

(1/6) Dragons are the Gods' only other creation. Dragons were the only creation to escape the seductive madness of killing, and the only creation of the Gods did not leave behind.

(2/6) At the End of Genesis, the Gods left the world. It was because the humans fought against one another defying the Gods' wishes. Now people are subjected to judgement, and must walk the passage to death.

(3/6) But a great evil began to feast on the living, denying them their
rightful passage to judgement.
Therefore, the Gods created a dragon, and released it into the
human's world.

(4/6) The dragon is the hand of
guidance, and also the eyes of the
Judge. The dragon shall fly over
people to display the Gods' power,
fight to defend the good, and
destroy to end all wars.

(5/6) The arrow of light that cannot be shielded, the shell that cannot be
speared, and the wings that cannot
tire. These are the powers of the
dragon. All things from this world
are powerless before the dragon.

(6/6) If you ever gain the dragon's grace, the arrow shall always be shot to the battlefield, the shell shall always shield the good, and the wings shall always appear
spanning over the passage of hope.


(Dragon Report) - Research on the Dragon

(1/2) The main weapon of the dragon is lightning shot from its mouth. Its lightning has the odd trait of bending towards its target. There are also reports of homing bullets and waves of living particles, but it's all hearsay.

(2/2) The dragon's powers exceed any weapon we now possess. The Academy calculates that the dragon has the potential firepower of at least fifty gunships.

The Dragon Rider

(1/2) The most notable report about the dragon is that there was a rider on its back. Besides a few lesser monsters, such as Coolias,
no creatures exhibit fond behavior towards humans.

(2/2) The identity of this rider remains a mystery, but his amazing
reactions and advanced combat
skills indicate he's not human.
Thus the Academy has theorized
that he is a human-shaped creation, similar to the monsters.

The Dragon and the 'Tower'

(1/2) According to the ancient records, the dragon and the final weapon, the 'Tower', are linked somehow. Our researchers are split between the theories that the dragon is the Guardian of the Tower or that it is the destroyer of the Tower.

(2/2) On Imperial Year 89, while the Empire attempted to reactivate a Tower, two dragons appeared, and acted in completely opposite
manners. This created even more
confusion over the dragons. All we
can conclude is insufficient data.


(Soldier Guide) - Regulation of Imperial Troops

(1/3) The uncivilized people of the
frontier fear the ancient machines and subject them to their idiotic beliefs. Our duty is to locate the buried finds, and return them to the rightful heir, his highness.

(2/3) We will use the power of the
ancient ones to cleanse the world
of the monsters and return humans
to their former glory. Expanding
the Empire, including securing as
many ruins and machines as possible, will achieve this goal.

(3/3) If anyone stands in your way,
eliminate them. They resist out of
ignorance. The Empire has a duty
to protect them. We fight not to invade, but to teach the truth. The greater good depends on the completion of your Mission.

How to Handle Ancient Weapons
(1/2) At the Academy, research is being done, day and night, to unlock the mysteries of the ancients. It will not be long before the Empire can produce engines and other devices on our own.

(2/2) Because the weapons our forces use are repaired and modified relics from the past, there are always shortages. Special caution must be used in handling them, and our first priority must be to hold the consumption of power to a minimum.

Battle Against the Monsters

(1/3) The uncivilized people of the
frontier cannot harm our forces.
The real threat is the enemy that
wields the power of the ancient
ones, the monsters. They are
extremely dangerous. An ordinary
man is but food to them.

(2/3) Monsters are unintelligent. The Academy is very close to
understanding their instincts. Our
weapons, formations, and tactics
are based upon this research. Use
them wisely, and the Empire will

(3/3) Cadets, you are expected to give total obedience to your superiors and to perform all of your duties. Your devotion to the Empire will allow you to defeat any enemies, and they will tremble before you.

How to Deal with Seekers

(1/2) Among the tribes in the frontier, there exists a clan whose sole purpose is to steal relics from
the ruins, stealing from your Emperor. These 'seekers' are a blight on the Empire, and they
must be killed on sight.

(2/2) The seekers are poorly organized, and are equipped only with hunter's weapons, so they pose little military threat. But in
many cases, they carry ancient relics, so it is advised to avoid
the use of heavy weaponry.

Quest for the Tower

(1/2) Our main goal is to acquire
the power of the ultimate weapon
of the ancients, the 'Towers'.
Imperial Legends state that each Tower contains enough destructive force to destroy the entire world.

(2/2) Weapons of such power must be handled by the rightful heir of
the ancient civilization, his highness. That is the path of world order, and that is why we exist.

To Capture a Dragon

(1/2) In the frontier, the dragons are worshipped as Messengers of the Gods, but that is a groundless
superstition. The dragons are, in
fact, nothing more than monsters
with an arsenal of destructive powers. Don't underestimate them.

(2/2) Though dragons may appear simply as powerful monsters, it is
thought that they are somehow
related to the Towers. To solve
the mysteries surrounding the
Towers, we must capture a dragon,
at all costs.


(Base Manual) - Base Defense Regulations

(1/3) This aquatic base is protected by two retractable walls. Lookouts,
spotlights, and guards are posted
inside each wall. Special care must be taken to protect the Control Tower, located in the center. (see next page)

(2/3) The inner walls surrounding the Control Tower remain closed.
These walls only open while taking
in supplies or during a Red Alert
to allow reinforcements to attack.

(3/3) When our defense capabilities have been severely compromised, troops from behind the inner wall will advance to defend the Control
Tower. Beware, the Control Tower may be under attack from intruders if this emergency occurs.


(Ship Report) - Report on Shellcoof

Discovery of Shelcoof

(1/4) Imperial Age 71, 10th day of 6th month. A scout team inside
Meccania territory, spotted a gigantic object flying towards the
border, surrounded by a horde of
monsters and battleships.

(2/4) By Imperial Order pursuit of the flying object (later named
'Shelcoof') ensued. But near the
rendezvous point with the scout
team, our forces clashed with the
Meccania Confederation Force,
delaying our recovery.

(3/4) Soon after the Meccanian scum was dealt with, the scout team gave their report. Before encountering our scout team, Shelcoof suddenly changed course, and attacked a small village, obliterating it with a lightning attack.

(4/4) The reason of the lightning attack remains a mystery, but the village had a Coolia breeding farm. One theory is that the Coolias somehow drew the Shelcoof to the village.

Report on Missing Teams

(1/5) As a result of the battle with
Meccania, the pursuit of Shelcoof
was put on hold. Its location was
lost, so our forces were placed in
the forest area, on the Shelcoof's
expected flight course, and there,
they waited.

(2/5) Above the forest, a new type of monster was sighted. Its shape
did not fit any known monsters,
but its description matched the local legend of a 'dragon'.

(3/5) But before we could report the new creature, Shelcoof was sighted. In a flash, it completely destroyed our battle squadron. Despite being only one vessel, its overwhelming power decimated every single one of our ships in minutes.

(4/5) Reports from the survivors
indicated that the second squadron
encountered Shelcoof near Georgius. They attempted to
attack, but Shelcoof struck first
with a lightning weapon. They were totally annihilated.

(5/5) There was a report that the lone surviving officer that the dragon was also sighted above Georgius. But his description of the dragon varied considerably from earlier reports. Speculation was that he officer was hallucinating.

Disappearance of Shelcoof

(1/2) Headquarters decided that further troop losses would seriously
affect invasion plans of Meccania.
Plans to capture Shelcoof have
been postponed indefinitely. The
Meccania invasion was successful.
The Empire was victorious.

(2/2) Shelcoof became the Empire's focus again, but it disappeared. All that was found was a wreckage of something that may or may not have been Shelcoof. If there was a force that could destroy Shelcoof, we would be afraid.


(Paet's Report) - Research Book on Mel-Kava

How to destroy Mel-Kava

(1/3) From the old sayings in Zoah,
there is an expression that a 'pair of wings' supports Mel-Kava. In other words, Mel-Kava uses a pair of engines to fly.

(2/3) To shoot down Mel-Kava you must destroy these engines, but the path is blocked by 'the crawling guardians'. The name is from an old legend, they might not exist, but be wary.

(3/3) Legends say that Mel-Kava is
nearly invincible. It is surrounded by winged monsters and it is crawling with monsters on the inside. Legends say that the destruction of Mel-Kava lies within.

Light Particle(1/3) Mel-Kava emits energy particles. My recording device's orbiter was destroyed as soon as it touched an energy particle. Even a dragon, struck directly by a particle, would surely be blown away.

(2/3) Your best hope would be to destroy the exhaust ports. Atop Mel-Kava are dozens of them. If you destroy them all, the ship may
become unstable.

(3/3) If you cannot stop the particles, you must somehow avoid being hit. The particles pour endlessly from the engine, continuously impeding forward progress. Perhaps there is a device that can protect you.


(Memory Report) - Structure Report

(1/4) Record by 'Compiler' Noadea. Most of the devices found in the ruins are power structures, such as engines. But in rare instances, you will find Information
Structures that record data.

(2/4) It was through reactivating an
Information Structure that we were
able to discover the existence of the Towers. We also found out
these structures also contain important functions other than
simply recording information.

(3/4) It is a device that will create a
field that can control monsters' actions. It was built, perhaps, to guard the information recorded there. But the power source is very small, so it is probably severely limited.

(4/4) If we can utilize this well, we
may be able to use it as a means to protect ourselves from the monsters. We need to continue
researching these types of


(Letter 1) - Letter to Edge - 1

(1/1) I will meet you by the airship.
Come after sunset.


(Letter 2) - Letter to Edge - 2

(1/1) If you are reading this, then
you are the better warrior. It is my dying wish that you meet with Lord Craymen at the Tower. The two of you can save this world
- Zastava

Craymen's Letter

(1/2) Thank you for saving her twice. Heed this warning. She is a being far too complex for you to ever understand. If you do not
return her, she will never regain
consciousness. (2/2) Let us now begin the end. Find peace for your soul and mine. Come to the Tower, with Azel. The gateway will be open for you.



(Old Diary) - Book of Skiad Ops Endow

(1/3) If you are reading this, then the seeker I sent has recognized you as the true dragon rider. I,too, have met the dragon, and have since thrown myself into the struggle over the Tower.

(2/3) My friend, the dragon, entrusted me with the secret of his
existence before he left me. Later, I became a member of the seekers. With the help of the Compilers, I tried to spread what I had learned of the truth.

(3/3) What is written here is only part of the secret that was entrusted to me. It may only be the tiniest bit of knowledge, but I hope this will aid you in your quest. You, the new dragon rider.

Birth of Dragon(1/3) This world has been molded into its current shape by the powers of a series of ruins we call Towers. The Towers control the environment, breed monsters, and control human populations.

(2/3) Even in the Ancient Age, there were people against the presence of the Towers. The Towers' creators feared these rebels would rise to destroy the Towers, so they created monsters to guard their creations. And the dragons.

(3/3) One dragon is posted at each
Tower. They perform their duty to
this day, as they have for over a
millenium. Not even the Empire can stand before them. The only force that can counter the dragon's
power are the dragons themselves.

Birth of Dragon(1/4) The dragon you ride has inherited the soul of my old friend. Your dragon is the only dragon in this world which exists to 'kill the Towers'. You will be forced to battle other dragons.
They are all your enemies.

(2/4) My friend, the heresy dragon, had a birth which was equally heretic. My friend was born as a mutant Coolia, and was raised in my care. That was until the floating
Tower appeared, and he gained the
power of the dragon.

(3/4) I have no idea why my friend had such a humble beginning. Perhaps it was pure coincidence that he spent his youth in my care. But he did choose me as the rider.
The Tower took everything, I was
left desiring only his power.

(4/4) By destroying the Tower of the Sky, Shelcoof, our journey came to an end. Exhausting all his power, he discarded his body, and entered a deep sleep. I assume he has now reemerged with a new body, and chosen you as his rider.
To the New Rider

1/2 I believe my friend is trying to
lead you to the Tower. You will
become deeply involved with his
purpose, the destruction of the
Tower, for reasons beyond your

2/2 I beg you to please aid my friend in fulfilling his purpose. It is
not only to release the world from
the will of the ancients, but to shake the shadow of death, which
has cast itself upon us all.


(The Tower and Sestren)

(1/3) Sestren is the will of the ancients. Sestren is located in a place, between time and space, where no mortal can ever reach it. Sestren controls all Towers.

(2/3) In the Ancient Age, the Towers were called 'Azel Sestrens', or 'Servants of Sestren'. All Towers are tools for Sestren so it can exercise its power on the world. If Sestren is destroyed, the
Towers will sleep.

(3/3) For one to make contact with
Sestren, one must open the gate
to cross the gap in time and space. Sestren can be reached from any Tower, but no methods of opening the gate have ever been discovered.


(Tower Report 1) - Tower Activation Report

Unearthing of the Tower

(1/3) Imperial Age 89, 18th day of 2nd month. Very low traces of energy were identified inside the ocean. An investigation has indicated that we've discovered some ruins. By our calculations, it may exceed the power of anything we've seen.

(2/3) The data we've gathered has
indicated that this is, in fact, one of the ancient ultimate weapons, a 'Tower'. By Imperial order, all excavation processes have ceased and all efforts have shifted to reviving the Tower.

(3/3) To reawaken the Tower, engines from the 2nd Regiment Battleships were removed and attached to breathe new life into the Tower. After 12 full days, the Tower's status had not changed.

Appearance of the Dragons

(1/4) Once the Tower was successfully unearthed, a full scale
investigation began. But the missing elements needed for
reactivation eluded us. We
continued testing, but no apparent
reactions have been noticed.

(2/4) What finally broke its stagnant state was something coming from the frontier. A pair of dragons were seen approaching the Tower. We now believe they are what triggered the Tower's reaction.

(3/4) Soon after the Tower showed life, two dragons were sighted east of the Imperial Capital. A squadron
was hastily assembled near the
border and sent to capture the
rapidly approaching dragons.

(4/4) But the dragons were more powerful than anything our forces had faced before. We even attempted to use our prototype weapons, but the battle only resulted in the total annihilation of our troops.

Tower Energy Report

(1/4) By the time the dragons approached the Imperial Defense line, Headquarters had abandoned any plans of capturing the dragons.
We gathered our remaining forces
to counterattack, but victory was
impossible against these demons.

(2/4) The two dragons broke through the defense line, easily
reaching the Tower, and then they
began fighting. Suddenly, the
Tower's power output increased

(3/4) With the Tower's change, a massive horde of monsters rose from the sea. Then the Tower's outer shell opened, taking one of the dragons in. The Tower instantly became fully operational.

(4/4) Reports vary about what happened next. The only fact is the Tower is gone. It was reported that
one of the dragons grew to a
colossal size and the ensuing
battle destroyed the Tower. But
there has been no confirmation.

Tower Defense Concept

(1/3) Due to the battle between the
dragons, attacks from the sea
monsters, and the destruction of
the Tower, most of the Imperial
Capital was destroyed. The loss
of life will mark this as one of
the darkest days in our history.

(2/3) Fortunately, the Palace and
Academy suffered only minimal
damage, but these events led to a
reexamination of our defense plan.
And, as a result, we have begun
building a large scale flagship,
'Grig Orig'.

(3/3) The Flagship Grig Orig is a flying Fortress. When completed, not even a dragon could penetrate its defenses and harm his highness.


(Tower Report 2) - Uru Tower Records

(1/2) Record by 'Compiler' Feltman The following is the summary of the data recorded on the Information Unit found near Uru. The contents include the
construction of the Tower located north of Uru.

(2/2) If anyone is determined to reach this Tower, it will be a very difficult journey. I wish for this record to be a helpful guide. Courses Inside the Tower

(1/3) Inside the Tower, there are five separate sections.
To move between each section, one must pass through the outer areas, consisting of fifteen floors.
Here are the routes inside the Tower.

(2/3) From upper floors to outer 13F -> from 13F to 12F via elevator -> from 12F to upper hangar From upper hangar to outer 11F From 11F to 9F via elevator -> From 9F to middle floors

(3/3) From middle floors to outer 8F -> From 8F to 6F via elevator -> From 6F to lower hangar From lower hangar to outer 5F -> From 5F to 4F via elevator -> From 4F to bottom floors Rotating Unit at Middle Floors

(1/1) In the middle floors, there exists a rotating unit that changes the form of the outer area. If it is
activated, the connection between
outer 8F and 9F will be changed.
Should one wish to move from 9F to 8F or 8F to 6F, this is necessary.
How to Stop Power Device

(1/2) Inside the Tower, there are 6
power systems called Rotor Piles. If they are activated, movement
within the level will be difficult, but the Rotors can be deactivated at the outer controllers.

Locations of the controllers: (2/2) ' #1 - outer 15F east
' #2 - outer 14F west
' #3 - outer 7F west
' #4 - outer 4F east
' #5 - outer 3F west
' #6 - outer 3F north
(Enter only from lower floor)


(Tower Report 3) - Tower Function Report

(1/2) Record by 'Compiler' Zadoc The rulers of the ancient times created an administrative system
throughout the world to control the population of the humans with large machines. These machines are known as 'Towers'.

(2/2) The path to free ourselves from the will of the ancients lies is the destruction, or neutralization of all Towers. The following is a summary of the research the 'Compilers' have done through the years. Function of the Tower

(1/4) Though with slight variations, Towers' responsibilities can be divided into two categories:
Preservation / Regeneration, and Production / Analysis of the monsters.

(2/4) At the same time the Towers purify the air, water, and soil to enlarge inhabitable areas, they employ monsters to remove elements that threaten the environment, including humans.

(3/4) But over the years, the Towers, have worn down. They are not functioning efficiently. The regeneration process that began in the Ancient Age has still not been completed.

(4/4) However, if the Towers return to normal, the number of humans would have to be severely reduced, or we will have to live in a much harsher environment, where the fruits of the land would not regenerate.


(Drone Record)



Records by Skiad Ops Endow
and 'Compiler' Pinekhas

The followings are the translations of the data recorded in the Information Unit uncovered near Uru.


The contents are about the units
known as 'Drones'. But no records
were ever found about such units
through research by the 'Compilers'.

Function of Drone


Synchronize: control Autonomous
Units. To synchronize with complex
structures, a higher thought level
is needed. But a unit at this level may create its own identity. Thus production of this type of unit is strictly prohibited.

Relation with Outbreak of Self


The Drones with a developed self
had the following problems:

1) Difficulties in Synchronizing
2) Confusion in Thought Patterns
3) Subservience


Correcting these difficulties is
extremely dangerous, and in most
cases, the drones must be
terminated. However, there have
been some cases where drones
self-correct after severe
psychological trauma.

Energy Replenishment


Their energy consumption is
relatively low. Therefore, except
for certain circumstances
(such as restart from cold sleep,
or ceased function due to shock),
replenishment from outside
sources is unnecessary.

Production Manual


Because of the complexity of their
thought organs, their production
rate is extremely low. Therefore,
they will only be assigned to priority locations.
Plans to utilize these thought
organs for monsters are underway.

Thanks to Seeking Wing for finding out this book existed.

Table of Contents