Main Characters


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1. Edge

2. Azel

3. Craymen

4. Paet

5. Gash


The Excavation Team


6. Captain, Rua, and Edge


Residence of the Caravan


7. An'jou: the Leader of the Caravan

8. Raul: the Hired Hunter

9. Baicah: the Shopkeeper

10. Enkak

11. Fei

12. Kou


Residence of the Village of Zoah


13. Juba: the Bar Owner

14. Jael: the Bartender

15. Bezer

16. Jared: the Weapons Smith and Shop Owner

17. Damon: the High Priest

18. Abner: The Night Gatekeeper

19. Siffle: the Day Gatekeeper

20. Aldo

21. Radgam: the Hunter

22. Quitor

23. Rhoda

24. Vaiman


The Noble Rebel Army


25. Arwen

26. Zastava


The Imperial Emperor


27. The Seventh Emperor


The Seekers


28. Zadoc: the Compiler

29. Perez: the Quester

30. Simeon: the Quester

31. Simeon: the Questor

32. Rhagg: the Female Quester

33. Jephthah

34. Ladna: the Guardian and Shella: the Mute Girl