Craymen's Fleet

(Written word for word from Panzer Dragoon Saga)

by Jeremy Prusak


This airship's primary purpose is to carry explosive projuctiles and launch them at anything that stands in its way. It carries six air to air Homing Mines, also known as Gravediggers.



Craymen's Flagship is armed with Tracer Cannons, Sub-Cannons, and Homing Mines. It is designed for air to air combat.



These small craft fight in small squadrons. They are fast and are especially adept at strafing air as well as ground targets.



Infernal units are powerful one-man crafts that mix chamicals to create a sticky molten substance. They are heavily armored in front, but fairly defenseless from behind.



Armed with a rotating cannon affectionately called the Reaper, the Annihilator is a formidable foe. it also carries chemical weaponry to defend itself from organic attackers.



Zastava's Attack Ship. It is named Spectre because of its stealth and speed. Zastava may be psychotic, but he is Craymen's best pilot. He can dodge virtually any missile attack.

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