Retroarch Kronos Compatibility List:


Official List:


Games I've tested:


Panzer Dragoon (Works well)

Panzer Dragoon Zwei (Works well)

Panzer Dragoon Saga (Works well)

Nights into Dreams (Works well)

Christmas Nights (Works well)

Guardian Heroes (Tested a clean rip using Alcohol 120%)

Magic Knight Rayearth (Works well)

Sonic 3D Blast (Tested a clean rip using Alcohol 120%)

Sonic Jam (Works well)



Games that didn't work properly:


Dark Savior (Works but missing text boxes even with clean rip from Alcohol 120%)

Astal (Didn't work even with a clean rip from Alcohol 120%%)

Burning Rangers (Massive slow down at start of level then just freezes)



Table of Contents