Battle 1: Stingers |
Strategy As we pursued the Empire, we soon arrived above their Imperial Air Force Post. We were immediately attacked by a group of small Imperial ships. We had fought them before. While in Spiritual form, my dragon moved behind them and unleashed his Cleansing Wave berserk attack. They were completely decimated. |
Battle 2:
Enforcer Patrol |
Enforcer |
Strategy Soon after, we were engaged by a group of intimidating battleships. With having gained knowledge on how to destroy them from previous battles, the dragon simply flew along side the ships and used his Armageddon berserk attack, to take them out. |
Battle 3: Stingers |
Strategy Our next battle was against another wave of small Imperial ships. They were destroyed quite easily with the dragon's Cleansing Wave berserk attack. |
Battle 4:
Royal Fleet |
Punisher |
Stinger |
Strategy Another battle, right after the last one Immediately ensued. This time, we were up against the Royal Fleet. While in Spiritual form, the dragon quickly charged his spiritual energy, flew behind the fleet, and unleashed an onslaught of Armageddon. The fleet fell victim to the dragon's awesome power! |
Divine Enemy Info for Punisher
Normal/Attack Direction Tracers/Front, Left, and Right Special Homing Mines/Front, Left, and Right |
Length 49.5 Ln Height 36.0 Ln Width 63.0 Ln Weight 13860 Kn Dynes 95 Dn Exp Pts 86 EXP Items Relic-Weaponry
Relic-Armor |