

As we approached the very top of the Tower, the Empire stopped us in our tracks. We were now up against a giant machine, equipped with a heavy arsenal of firepower. It was essential during this battle, for the dragon to constantly us his Shield defensive berserk attack. The shield was our immediate protection from the Empires' massive array of almost infinite firepower. Throughout the battle, when the shield wore off, the dragon would just use it again and again. The safe spot in front of the machine, was a good place to do this. While in Attack form, the dragon moved behind the machine and constantly fired his lock-on lasers at its weak point, making sure to reengage his Shield berserk attack, if it were to ware off. After a constant array of lock-on lasers, we were successful in destroying the Empires' machine. Soon after, I made my way to the Tower's control area.

Divine Enemy Info


Normal/Attack Direction

Air Mines/Back, Left, and Right


Homing Missiles/ALL

Magnetic Cannon/Varies

Length 54.9 Ln

Height 135.0 Ln

Width 81.9 Ln

Weight 208162 Kn

Dynes 700 Dn

Exp Pts 1960 EXP


Full Elixir

Berserk Maxis
