Items that can be sold


Healing Items




1. Elixir Minor- Replenishes HP by 200.

2. Elixir Medis- Replenishes HP by 500.

3. Elixir Maxis- Replenishes HP by 1000.

4. Full Elixir- Replenishes HP completely.

5. Berserk Micro- Replenishes BP by 50.

6. Berserk Minor- Replenishes BP by 100.

7. Berserk Medis- Replenishes BP by 250.

8. Berserk Maxis- Replenishes BP by 500.

9. Ambrosia- Replenishes all lost HP and BP.

Battle Items




1. Revive- Cures STUN condition.

2. Antidote- Cures POISON condition.

3. Restore Speed- Cures SLOW condition.

4. Free Action- Cures STOP condition.

5. Anesthetic- Cures PAIN condition.

6. Unbind- Cures BLIND condition.

7. Recover- Cures all ill-effects.

8. Blast Chip- Single detonation.

9. Dual Blast Chip- Double detonation.

10. Tri-Blast Chip- Triple detonation.

11. Flash Chip- Mesmerizes enemies.

12. Shield Chip- Creates a defensive shield.

13. Power Chip- Increases laser power.

14. Armor Chip- Increases the dragon's armor.

15. Speed Chip- Increases the dragon's speed.

Other Items




1. Shell Plate- Shell plating used as armor for military weaponry.

2. Stolarium- An element used as a source of energy.

3. Dinys Chip- Ancient Currency: No monetary value, but can be exchanged for some money

4. Gem Stone- A raw aromatic stone used to repel monsters.

5. Gipson Lens- Optical sensor for a long range torpedo weapon.

6. Gara- Various types of rocks found near excavation sites.

7. Nando Drill- Part of an excavation machine used to penetrate rock.

8. Coolia's Dung- Fossilized Coolia feces from millions of years ago.

9. Telepathy Shard - Provides the user with knowledge of its enemies' condition.

10. Albertson Fan - A very powerful fan used in wind nets.

11. Macran Jewel- These valuable jewels are produced inside several types of monsters.

12. Macral Shell- A predator's natural body armor.

13. Gem Lens- An optical organ from a predator used in tracking pray.

14. Amirkhan Ring - A ring from a great leader who replaced a tyrant.

15. Lickuern Eyes - Eyes of a predator that enable it to see through sand storms.

16. Bone Slasher- A bladed appendage from a predator used for dismembering prey.

17. Olfactory Lobe - The sensory organ of a predator used for tracking prey.

18. Lamp Oil- A processed type of vegetable oil used in lamps.

19. Zaal Nuts- Nuts from Zaal. They are valuable.

20. Zoah Harvest- A rare type of edible plant. It is delicious.

21. Relic-Armor- Extremely light armor used in ancient battles.

22. Relic-Weaponry- Extremely powerful, but inoperative weaponry.

23. Relic-Engine- The engine of an ancient weapon. It uses an unknown type of fuel.

24. Relic-Shoes- Shoes from the Ancient Age. They are in poor condition.

25. Lindstrum Unit - An organ associated with asexual reproduction.

26. Feener Armor- Armor of a monster. Created by mitosis.

27. Golia Shell- A very thick armored shell from the Golia.

28. Golia Fang- A huge fang used for tearing flesh from the Golia.

29. Golia Tail- A bony tail from the Golia.

30. Golia Pod- A part of the Golia's body.


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