Items that cannot be sold


Edge's Books




1. Soldier Guide - A manual given to imperial recruits.

2. Leader's Note- The commander's notebook .

3. Bible 1- The book describes the creation of the world.

4. Bible 2- The book describes the end of the world.

5. Zoah Bible- A puplication circulated in the town of Zoah. It contains the town's laws.

6. Dragon Bible- The book contains the legends of the dragons.

7. Dragon Report- The Empires' research on dragons.

8. Dragon Book 1-3 - A diary written by a legendary dragon rider.

9. Ship Report- A report by the imperial troops on the ships of the Ancient Age.

10. Base Manual- A document explaining the structures of the base for new recruits.

11. Paet's Report- Research from Paet on Mel-Kava.

12. Letter 1- An anonymous letter.

13. Letter 2- A letter with Craymen's insignia.

14. Old Diary- The dragon rider that was Gash's mentor wrote in this Diary.

15. Memory Report- A seekers' memoir describing the Ancient Recording Devices.

16. Tower Report 1 - Theories by the imperial academy on ancient towers.

16. Tower Report 2 - A report written by seekers on the Tower of Uru.

17. Tower Report 3 - A report written by seekers about the functions of the Towers.

Other Items




1. Hand Gun- A gun used in the Ancient Age.

2. Elevator Key- A key to unlock the elevator.

3. Inpenia Coin- Currency used by the Empire.

4. World Map- Map of the whole continent.

5. Recorder- A record from an Imperial Gunship, from the battle against Craymen.

6. Kuo Pollen- Red pollen of an insectivore plant. It maintains flying speed.

7. Verato Pipe- A flute entrusted from Raul, the hired hunter.

8. Picture Board- A picture of the Tower drawn by an ancient recording machine.

9. Ship Parts/Junk- Looks like the parts of the airship that Paet asked for.

10. Ship Parts- Parts of an aerial ship from Gash. These parts look authentic.

11. Palmer Amulet- An amulet for safe hunting, made out of the outer shell of a monster.

12. Protect Key 1-3 - Key to the underground ruins of Uru.

13. Dome Gate Key- Key to the dome of the underground ruins of Uru.

14. Tobitama Rock- A hardened substance secreted by a Tobitama.

15. Pass- Valid in the Town of Zoah. A pass to enter the 'Holy District'.

16. Temple Key- Key to the temple of the church in the town of Zoah.

17. Large Gun- A gun made out of ancient items. It currently holds no ammunition.

18. Aronak Unit- A type of ancient recording machine. It contains voice records.

19. Seeker Map- A Map that shows the hidden location of the Seeker Stronghold.

20. Dragon Booster- A legendary item used to enhance any dragon's firepower while flying.

21. Villatuya Fruit- A golden fruit. It increases the maximum speed.

22. D Units 1-12- An organic substance. It appears to be a part of something larger.


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