Forest of Zoah/Inside the Forest of Zoah/Red Ruins

This is where the infested Grig Orig resides. Edge had to fight a series of invinsible Arangata to reach the Grig Orig, but the only way to take them out, was to destroy their roots found inside the Forest of Zoah. Also, inside the Red ruins, was another dragon crest. If the dragon pup was with you and you had all 12 D-Units, the little guy would merge with the crest creating Solowing, the reincarnation of Lagi. Two extremely rare enemies called, the Golia Tracker and Golia Hunter could be fought if you were patient and persistant. You may remeber this ememy from Panzer Dragoon 2 Zwei, it was a Boss in Episode 3 found at the end of the forest path.

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