The Tower and the Path to Sestren

Warning: Ending Spoiler

Sestren is the controller of all Towers throughout the world. If Sestren is destroyed the Towers will stop functioning, and man will be freed from the will of the Ancients. Edge goes off to complete his adventure, to defeat Sestren and fulfull his destiny. Azel opens the way to Sestren and Edge succesfully defeats the menacing computer network and saves the world. The Heresy Program leaves Lagi (the dragon), but Lagi chooses to go into the world in his weak state without the Heresy program, rather than be shut down and laid to rest. After his long journey, Edge is inevitably laid to rest as the Divine Visitor (the player) Which was keeping him alive since the begining of the game, leaves his body. Was Edge truly laid to rest? This is one question out of many that arise in the players mind, after beating the game. After these puzzling events, Azel endlessly searches for him. The outcome of her search is still a mystery, but we know one thing: Azel created Orta with either Edge's or Craymen's DNA. But that's another story and another game. Click here to view a video clip of the extended ending to PDS found in Panzer Dragoon Orta.

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