Mutated Monster List

(Written word for word from Panzer Dragoon Saga)

by Jeremy Prusak



Found in the valleys, these peaceful creatures feed on rocks and minerals. They travel in small communal groups. They can only attack to the front, and have no natural defenses.



The female form of the Pattergo, her role is to nuture the others in her group. She may heal herself, and any companions she has at any given time.


Gelata Urchin

This slow moving hunter makes its home in the mountains. It tracks potential meals and fires spines at its pray. Once its pray is immobilized, it feeds.


Magnata Urchin

A female Urchin. She is able to track her pray and telepathically guide all her spines in order to inflict a maximum amount of damage. The female of the species is more deadlier than the male.



Baldor live in rocky regions. Hunting in pairs, they use their spines to weaken pray and their powerful jaws to finish them off. Baldor are defensless form behind.


Baldor Queen

For every hundred Baldor exists one dominant female. She secretes a resin that hardens and allows her to suspend herself above canyons. Her only purpose is to make little Baldor. She uses acid as a defense.



The most dangerous creature in the valleys. It is heavily armored, and easily angered. It fights with barbed tenticles and digestive slime. This brute's only weakness is its lack of intelligence.



Nanyds inhabit the Garil desert. Fairly harmless alone, these creatures will travel in swarms of 10-30. they often stay close to larger predators, and scavenge the remains of their kills.


Nanyd Queen

Most swarms are led by a queen. the swarm will fight to the death to defend its queen. If the queen is killed, the swarm is overwhelmed by chaotic tendencies. The survivors will scatter and join another swarm.



These pack hunters roam the desert in search of fresh meat. They are very dangerous if you encounter them on the ground, but they are vulnerable from the air. Stryders may have invaded Cainus.


Stryder Hunter

Stryder Hunters have large horns and can paralize their pray. Their strong jaws are ideal for tearing flesh. Their favorite food is the Coolia.



The large petals detect small creatures under the sand. Hoppers spray digestive fluid on these creatures. Because they focus their attention on the ground, Hoppers are vulnerable from behind.



The pludger got its name from the 'Pludge' sound it makes when it spits acid. They are messy eaters, so they employ Nanyds to clean up after them.


Sand Mite

Sand Mites are parasites that feed off of worms. They infest the underground tunnels and drive the worms from their burrows. They were discovered by a hunter named Underwood.



An enourmous mountain of slime and steam, the Lathum lurks under the sand and feeds on unsuspecting worms. If its weakness is exposed, it can be destroyed.



Gigralyphs are intelligent creatures that can combine with their kin, the Gigra. Once combined, the Gigralyph can control the physical properties of its hulking cousin. Alone and unprovoked, Gigralyphs are peaceful.



Gigra are subterranean hulks that hibernate until summoned by a Gigralyph. When they combine, they are able to change shape in order to seek food.


Hunter Gigra

The Gigra assume this shape when they stalk their victims. they attack with missile weapons, and will relentlessly pursue a potential meal.


Fighter Gigra

When a Gigra feels that it has met a formidable opponent, it assumes this form, It has offensive and defensive capabilities. The Gigra retain this form throughout mating season.


Swift Gigra

If a Gigra loses a battle, it morphs into a swift flying creature in a desperate attempt to escape. If Gigras fight each other, The loser will be killed unless it leaves the area.



Lumids are closely related to Nanyds, but have adapted to live near water. Lumids are not scavengers like their kin. Instead, they hunt creatures that swim too close to the surface of the water.


Lumid Queen

Aside from their predatorial behavior, Lumid swarm hierarchy and behavior patterns are identical to their Nanyd kin.



These predators of the waterways are a hybrid cross between Stryders and Lazara. Their DNA was fused by one of the weapons from the Ancient Age. their behavior patterns are similar to Stryders.



In all stryder hunting packs, there are dominant creatures that herd the prey toward their doom. The horn of the Neo-Stalker gives it additional powers and the advantage it needs to herd their pray.



The Kolba are peaceful, but extreamly paranoid creatures. They will assume anything invading their space is a predator and will attack. Their bodies are covered with markings that resemble eyes.



Flocks of Dracolyths are in a constant state of migration. Once they reach a breeding ground, they transform into ferocious dragons. No sightings of mature Dracolyths have ever been recorded.


Small Egg

Found in the abandoned lab in Uru, these eggs will remain in a dormant state until disturbed. When they hatch, they release Mutant Hoppers.


Large Egg

Much like the Small Eggs, the Large Eggs will remain in a dormant state. If the nest is disturbed, it will hatch and release a Luchich into the world.


Mutant Hopper

Because of the limited resources found in the underground lab of Uru, there is a constant struggle for survival. The mutants wage war in ferocious packs in their battle to feed on energy.



Stronger than the Mutant Hoppers, packs of Luciches are also caught in the subterranean struggle. They will feed on everything they encounter. It is believed that Luciches are cannibals.


Mutant Flier

Mutant Fliers are an advanced form of the Mutant Hopper. If fed energy, the Hopper will sprout wings. They are always hungry, and will attack anything that may be food.


Winged Lucich

A winged Lucich is one of the most feared creatures of the underground ruins. They travel in packs, but have been known to turn on their allies when they cannot control their hunger.


Slime Feeder

The Slime Feeder is a docile creature that scavenges the lab for chemicals or energy. They use on sharp tooth to crack open pods and extract fluids. They are often accompanied by freeloading mutants.



Absorbora begin as bulbs that sprout out of an Energ's Web. They're a combination of plant and animal. They cannot feed, and redirect all energy that they encounter. it is believed that their life span is short.



Spider-like in appearence, these creatures secrete an energy feeding slime that has the ability to sprout Absorboras. They will feed on all types of power. Alone, they are not a threat, but they do have allies.



An ally of the Energ, this creature defends Energs in exchange for energy. It is ferocious, and should be avoided at all costs.



Absorborac are Absorbora at an advanced stage. They have displayed intelligence patterns, and will attack all intruders with a type of plasma bomb.




Not listed in "Defeated Enemies Data"


Conana Bird

Just normal birds, or the work of the Ancients? Are they bio-engineered in some way? They must be mutated as they dont look like Pure Type.


Sand Worm

Another mutated creature we just get to observe rather than fight. By observing this worm in action, it is clear that it spends its days burrowing through the sand and getting trapped in quick sand. It would have been interesting to hear some info on how they live or what they eat. Unfortunately the only thing we can do is just sit and ponder, or make crazy theories.


Red Sand Worm

A rare sand worm that inhabits the Garil Desert. Not much else is known about it. If you fly through the series of arches found in the Garil Desert, it will appear.


Forest Worm

Another variation of worm, found in Panzer Dragoon 2 Zwei (Episode 3) and The Forest of Zoah in Panzer Dragoon Saga. It's likely that these worms could have become extinct in Saga due to the masive fire, caused by the Infested Grig Orig. Many forest worm carcasses can be found strung throughout the underground levels of the forest. Like the sand worms, the forest worms can also burrow under the ground.

Gigra Parasite

These parasites latch themselves onto the Gigra, feeding off of it, in a symbiotic relationship. The parasites get energy and the Gigra gets protection. When the Gigra is in danger the parasites defend it.



Found in the Town of Zoah as well as the Caravan, Coolias aren't listed in the "Defeated Enemies Data." Coolias are among the few creatures to be domesticated in the PD world. They dislike Junio Seeds, and can sometimes be very stubborn. There are many different types of Coolias, some appear mamal-like, while others look more reptile-like. There is also an item in PDS called Coolia's Dung. Its description says, "Fossilized Coolia feces from millions of years agao."


Dragon Pup

This Dragon Pup was originaly a Coolia that mutated, growing wings. This odd and funny creature, is said to be lagi's (the dragon pup from Panzer Dragoon 2 Zwei) true reincarnation.


Illumination Monster

The prize catch of the caravan. The outside shell of the monster is very solid and resilient, like a turtle's shell. Found inside this monster are shiny rocks called illumination rocks. Around the caravan these shiny rocks are used as currency.


Kinoshita Whale and other sea creatures

The Kinoshita Whale is a creature of the Uru Sea. It is Very playfull and energetic. There are also many other small creatures in the Uru passage that are worth mentioning. One of the creatures resembles an eel, another a normal fish, and the last one resembles a sea otter or seal type creature. Also note, the white eel in the pics above. This eel is very different from the eel found in the Uru passage. It is pure white and has a rounded head. It can be found swimming near the Tower. Edge and Craymen observe it as it swims by. These creatures are very interesting and a wonder to look at.


Winged Absorbora

An evolved form of Absorbora, Winged Absorbora live on the backs of Basilus, in a mutal relationship. The Energ, also a creature living on the Basilus, will summon these winged creatures to defend against enemy attacks.


Mysterious Winged Creature

This mysterious winged creature can be seen in the Village of Cainus, during one of the many cut-scenes in PDS. It apparently is a peaceful creature. It leaves Edge and Gash alone, flying away, minding its own business. If you think about it, maybe its stomach was just full, from the recent monster ambush that took place just before Edge and Gash arrived, killing all of the inhabitants of the village. If the winged creature's stomach wasn't full, maybe Edge and Gash wouldn't have survived their stay. It's a scary thought to ponder.


Infested Grig Orig Parasites

These red and blue parasites are produced by the infested Grig Orig. The monster infested ship spews them out from one of three openings. Carrying fatal poison, they are lethal creatures indeed.


Zoah Birds

These beautiful and majestic birds, can be found above the Forest of Zoah. You can find them only after the infested Grig Orig is defeated. They will fly out from the canopy in flocks. Their gorgeous feathers are white, green, and orange.



Who knew, besides there being birds in the Panzer Dragoon world that we would find Fish as well! They even swim upstream! They can be found in the Valley Deep Gulch. Does the dragon eat fish?...


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