Juba's Corner: Information about Tobitamas

Tobitamas are peaceful creatures that can be found at the lake of Uru, when the water level is high. Tobitamas are strange birds. They have long ears, that also serve as wings. The Tobitamas also have long protruding tails. At the tip of their tails, a circular ball can be found, most likely a defensive mechanism to defend against likely pray. One hit with that and your gone! Looking at their face, will reveal one giant eye, that they use to see. At a young age, the young fly away. If all of the young return to the nest at the same time, they abandon it. Also, if your lucky, they will leave behind a rock-like secretion, called the Tobitama Rock. This rock can be used to made an antidote, that can cure a sickness called Meccania fever.

A Tobitama has long ears that also serve as wings.

It also has a long tail, with a ball at its end.

Notice its one large eye, that it uses to see.

Here is a Tobitama baby.
