Main Characters
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Edge A mercenary working at an excavation site. When a tragic event ensues, Edge meets a mysterious dragon who will lead him to his ultimate destiny. |
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Azel A mysterious Ancient Age girl, recovered from the excavation site. She is soon awakened from her everlasting sleep and will stop at nothing to fight for and protect the man who awakened her. |
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Craymen K. F. Craymen is the leader of the Black Fleet. He was a former high ranking member of the Imperial Academy. An Imperial officer gone renegade. Craymen now makes his own decisions and takes responsibility for his own actions. |
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Paet Paet has vast knowledge of ancient technology. He can build and repair many ancient devices such as airships. He lives in the Holy District and is the son of Vaiman. He helps Edge many times on his adventures. |
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Gash Gash is the leader of the Seekers, a rebelious group who seek to change the world and stop the Empire from ruling the world. He is also called Shadoweye. His identity is a mystery. |
The Excavation Team
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The Excavation Team: Captain, Rua, and Edge The captain has been like a father to Edge throughout his life. He thinks very highly of Edge, and believes he is smart enough to enroll in the Imperial Academy. Sadly, he doesn't believe he will make enough money to pay for Edge's schooling. After his work is done at the excavation site, he plans to bring Edge to the Capital. His only wish is for Edge to call him "father". Among edge and the Captain, is Edge's best friend Rua. |
Residence of the Caravan
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An'Jou: the Leader of the Caravan The leader of the traveling caravan. You will most likely find him telling stories to his son Enkak by the fire, or preparing monster body parts to be made into various helpful items for the caravan. |
Raul: the Hired Hunter The Hired hunter who works for the caravan. Imperial troops destroyed his village called Verato. Here is his story, told by Raul himself. Raul: "I left my village
and became...a mercenary for the Empire. It was a dirty job, but it
paid well. |
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Baicah: the Shopkeeper The caravan shopkeeper. He has an interesting hobby which involves the making of medicines and antidotes. Very useful for times of sickness. He can cure just about anything, as long as he has the right ingredients. |
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Enkak The lively son of An'jou. This little boy is as curious as he is energetic. He enjoys the many stories his father tells him by the fire. |
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Fei A shy girl from the caravan. She spends her time feeding Coolias and doing house work with her mother. |
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Kou Fei's mother and wife of Baicah. Kou wishes her husband Baicah was more active and could go on the hunting trips with the rest of the caravan. She is very protective of Fei and is waiting for a suitable husband to come along and start a family with her. |
Residence of the Village of Zoah
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Juba: the Bar Owner The owner of the bar in the Liberal District. He sells various illuminated drinks, that tend to cause very unpleasant side affects. For instance: his drinks will make your legs and mouth go numb, you will feel incredibly dizzy, your face will turn green and you most likely will feel very sick. The best thing to do is to take it like a man! Juba knows many things about the world and can give good advice. |
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Jael: the Bartender The bartender who works at Juba's bar, in the Liberal district. |
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Bezer Paet's assistant. He helps Paet build ancient technology and airships. He is also very capable of taking care of himself. His only draw back is, he is a horrible pilot. |
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Jared: the Weapons Smith and Shop Owner He specializes in customizing and upgrading ancient weapons, as well as selling valuable items to you. |
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Damon: the High Priest Damon is the High Priest of the church, in the Holy District. He runs the Council and controls all of Zoah. He dislikes outsiders and believes the gods have abandoned the people. |
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Abner: The Night Gatekeeper An overweight gatekeeper of the Liberal District. He spends his days walking around, and occasionally talking to Aldo. At night, he does his job as the gatekeeper of the Liberal District. He's not a very reliable man. |
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Siffle: the Day Gatekeeper Like Abner, Siffle is also the gatekeeper of the Liberal District. When Abner isn't working, Siffle will take his place. Siffle has been a gatekeeper for many years and strives to become a citizen of the Holy District. He wishes he could do more for the Holy district, but as a gatekeeper, he can't do much. |
Aldo One of the residence of the Liberal District. A former hunter, he lives alone in his home. He often recalls the events of an ambush on his hunting team, by monsters. These monsters killed his friends, leaving him and one other person alive. |
Radgam: the Hunter like Aldo, Radgam was also one of the only survivors to come away from a horrible hunting ambush. He and Aldo were on the same hunting team. After the ambush, Radgam settled down in the liberal District. He never forgot his friends unfortunate deaths, and still thinks very highly of himself as a skilled hunter. He frequently yells at Aldo for giving up his hunting way of life. He lives as a hunter and will die as a hunter. |
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Quitor A citizen of the Holy District. He believes trade with the outside world could greatly benefit the Village of Zoah. He dislikes hunters and wants nothing to do with them. |
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Rhoda Rhoda is Quitor's daughter. She is a very active girl, who spends her time playing hide and seek. She believes it isn't good to talk to outsiders. |
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Vaiman He is the richest man in the Holy District, and the greedy father of Paet. Vaiman's main goal is to become the High Priest of Zoah. |
The Noble Rebel Army
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Arwen A part of the Nobel Rebel Army. He is Craymen's handy man, second in command. He commands his own fleet and is very loyal to Craymen. |
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Zastava Part of the Nobel Rebel Army. The most skilled pilot in Craymen's fleet. He can dodge oncoming lasers and missiles with ease. He is a force to be reckoned with, and a very formidable opponent for Edge and his dragon. |
The Imperial Emperor
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The Seventh Emperor The Seventh Emperor, has held his rule ever since the time of Panzer Dragoon and has continued to reign in Panzer Dragoon Saga. His main goal is to control the Tower, which he believes will allow him to control the world. |
The Seekers
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Zadoc: the Compiler This knowledgeable Seeker resides in a massive library, devoted to the study of the Ancient Age. He has vast knowledge of Sestren, the Divine Visitor, the dragon, Azel, the Tower, the Ancient Age, Monsters, and the Empire. |
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Perez: the Quester Parez is a Quester, someone who trains to become a full fledged Seeker. The Seeker way of life is fairly new to him. |
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Simeon: the Quester Simeon is a Quester training to become a Seeker. His job is to be part of the frontline offensive strike if and when there is an attack on the Seekers Stronghold. |
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Simeon: the Questor An apprentice quester still in training. He wants to finish his training so he can test his skill in battle. He believes it is an honor to fight along side the dragon. His main duty is to keep an eye on checkpoint 5 in the Seekers Stronghold, and report anything that looks suspicious. |
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Rhagg: the Female Quester A young female Quester. Not the best of people to be around. She isn't to trusting of new people she meets, and is very feisty. |
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Jephthah Jephthah mostly resides in the Village of Zoah. He makes a living by finding various items from ruins, like eternal light sources and Tri-Burst parts, and sells them to potential buyers. |
Ladna: the Guardian and Shella: the Mute Girl Ladna is an elderly woman, who is a Guardian in the Seekers Stronghold. She protects the souls of the children, and has mysterious healing powers. Shella is mute. She hasn't spoken for a very long time, and won't say a word. Some tragic event involving her father, has caused her to be this way. |